How will the university pay for a new Union?

The Union daily operations and structure is strictly paid for by Union fees collected each semester from students. The current fee is $32 per semester and the recommended fee is $149. The new fee structure will cover continued costs to support the Union operations on all campuses and additionally will cover the cost of construction and design for a new facility.

Can my tuition dollars pay for it?

No, the Union fee is a separate fee on all state campuses. Tuition dollars, per state mandates, can only be allocated for specific funds on the campus.


Where will it be located?

A specific location has yet to be determined. However, Smithgroup architects has recommended two centrally located campus sites and both are being considered at this time.

What services will be in it?

At this time no specific designs have been created. However, the Union Advisory Board and student leaders have created a wish list which include expanded dining and seating options, additional meeting rooms, theatre, student organization office and work space, expanded game room and recreational areas, study space, and technology enriched areas. In addition to the new facility in Denton, additional services are being considered for both the Houston and Dallas campuses.

When will it be built/open?

After the referendum and approval from both the Board of Regents and Coordinating Board, the design process can begin. At this time, a potential start date will fall in the summer of 2013. The construction phase will take approximately two years.

What will happen to the old Union?

Discussions have begun on campus as to whether the current Union will be demolished or repurposed for another use. Cost of renovations and/or demolition will drive this decision in the near future.

Will this affect campus parking?

We understand that parking is always a concern for our student body and we will take precautions so that parking and campus flow will have the least amount of impact as possible. Discussions are occurring outside of the design of the Union project that will address the needs of campus parking.

I won’t be here when it is built. Why should I pay?

The fee will not go into effect until after all approvals have been obtained both at the campus and the state government levels. The soonest that the fee could possibly be implemented is January 2014 semester. This will be your opportunity to leave a positive legacy behind for future TWU students.

Will the new Union be Eco-Friendly?

An area that has been brought up by students is to make sure that the new Union is embracing sustainability at all levels.

Why can’t we just renovate or expand the old?

The current Union is landlocked on campus due to its current location and expanding it is really not an option. The building is not structurally set to add an additional floor on top of it.